関西圏国家戦略特区雇用労働相談センター(Kansai National Strategic Special Zone Employment Consultation Center)
Kansai National Strategic Special Zone Employment Consultation Center
The Employment Consultation Center provides support to help start-up companies and / or overseas companies expanding business into Osaka understand Japanese employment rules, including those relating to recruitment and employment and, how to launch their business properly and smoothly. It also helps employees of those companies fully exert their abilities and increase their motivation in work. In addition to expert advice, lawyers and public consultations familiar with social and labor insurance also provide assistance in the preparation of rules of employment, employment contracts and other relevant documents free of charge!
- センターご利用案内(PDF:1,315KB)
- Welcome to the Employment Consultation Center!(PDF:1,450KB)(※English/英語版)
- 雇用指針概要(外部サイトへリンク)
- Employment Guidelines(Summary)(外部サイトへリンク)(※English/英語版)
All services are free! English is available
- 弁護士による高度専門相談…雇用指針等に精通した弁護士による専門的な相談対応
- 社会保険労務士による個別訪問指導…社会保険労務士が企業を訪問し、実態に即した労務管理について助言
- 相談員による一般労働相談…労働関係法令等に精通した相談員による相談対応
- Consultations on Highly Professional Matters with Lawyers
- Individual Consultation Visit Offered by Public Consultants on Social and Labor Insurance
- Consultations with advisors specialized in labor-related laws
Who can avail of services : Companies and employees in the Kansai area(Osaka, Hyogo, and Kyoto only) that satisfy the qualifications below
- 新規開業直後の企業(概ね5年以内)および新規開業を目指す企業
- 事業拡大に伴って雇用創出を目指す企業
- 日本国外から関西圏に進出を目指す企業
- 上記企業で働く方(就労を希望する方を含む)
- Start-up Companies (within approximately 5 years from establishment) and companies preparing for starting a business
- Overseas global companies aiming to expand their businesses into the Kansai area
- Companies aiming to create jobs through business expansion
- Employees (including those who are interested in) working in the above-mentioned companies
Business hours
Open from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Mondays through Fridays (except holidays and New Year's holidays(12/29-1/3)
※Consultations in English, Chinese and Korean through an interpreter or telephone interpretation services is possible.
※Please make a reservation for a consultation in languages other than English.
Location: Grand Front Osaka North Bldg.
10-minute walk from the north central exit of JR Osaka Station
- 住所:〒530-0011 大阪市北区大深町3番1号グランフロント大阪北館 ナレッジキャピタル8階K827号室
- 電話番号:06-6136-3194
- ファックス:06-6371-3195
Contact Information: Kansai National Strategic Special Zone Employment Consultation Center
- Adress:Room K827, Knowledge Capital 8th floor, Grand Front Osaka North Building, 3-1 Ohuka-cho, Kita-ku, Osaka 530-0011
- Phone call:+81-6-6136-3194
- FAX:+81-6-6371-3195
- e-mail:info@kecc.jp
※Consultations in English, Chinese and Korean through an interpreter or telephone interpretation services is possible.
※Please make a reservation for a consultation in languages other than English.
- ホームページ:関西圏国家戦略特区雇用労働相談センター事務局(外部サイトへリンク)
- Website:Employment Consultation Center(外部サイトへリンク)(※English/英語版)
- 「関西圏国家戦略特区雇用労働相談センター」のフェイスブックは、リンク先をご覧ください。(外部サイトへリンク)
- Facebook:Facebook(外部サイトへリンク)